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School Library

The BLSON library is a special one because it exists to serve a special group of people thus the midwifery students, lecturers and staff. Since the school is part of the hospital, their staff is given an opportunity to utilise the library resources. The library has enough seating space, which the users can make use of. The main purpose of the library is to make available information relevant to the Midwifery Training Program of the school. The objective of Bamalete Lutheran School of Nursing Library is to support directly the teaching and learning needs of the school and for any research work that may be carried out.


The library collects, stores, organizes, catalogues and classifies library materials, which are compatible with the training curriculum. The library and its staff provide valuable access to learning tools and they support the practice of selection, retrieval, application and interpretation of the whole range of available resources of information in the library. The teaching staff and the students are the sole users of the library. library sections and conducts


Skills Laboratory


The school has a skills laboratory which is


used for students experiments.


The school hostels can only accomodate 66 students. The school kitchen is large, clean and sufficient to cater for the students meal needs. The school also has a rest room where students can watch television.