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- Ms Letsididi

About us

The Vision


  • We Bamalete Lutheran School of Nursing will be a centre of excellence in providing sustainable, comprehensive customer focused health services comparable to local and global standards.


The Mission Statement

  • Bamalete Lutheran School of Nursing exists to produce health professionals who will provide comprehensive and non-discrimination health care services to individuals, families and communities. We are committed to the culture of professional development and quality assurance through dedicated, skilled, and well resourced and highly motivated staff to provide an excellent service.

The main objectives of the institution are:

  • To utlize the available resources and facilities in an economical, cost effective and efficient manner that is in line with the national health and institutional policies in order to provide quality services to the consumers.


  • To enhance on-going development of staff at all levels according to capability institutional needs and interest in order to ensure quality service to the clients.